Residency for social ties
What is residency for social ties?
It is a temporary residency authorization. If it is given to you, take into account that it only lasts one year. After that time you will have to solicit another authorization.
Residency for social ties allows you to work and you do not need another visa.
What requisites do you need to solicit a permit for residency for social ties?
Demostrate that you have been living in the Spanish state for, at least, three continous years (if you have left it can’t be longer than 120 days). For that we recommend in another section that you register as soon as possible. It is the best documentation that you can give, although also you can use municipal documents or of public health (medical consultations, being hospitalized) where your name appears, to demonstrate that you have been living here during this time.
A work contract. It isn’t necessary that you have been working for a specific time, the most important is that you have a contract signed when you make the solicitation and that the contract is for at least one year. Remember that if you work in the house of a family, they have to give you a contract. (see “trabajo del hogar”)
Having family connections with people who live here legally in the State, father, mother, children, spouse… (whether they are migrants or not). If not, you can also present a report that accredits social insertion. This report has to be asked for in the Basque Government (the phone number for attention is 012. It isn’t a special fee) or, in the case of Navarre, in the town halls. If you don’t have a work contract, but can accredit sufficient means of living, for example, because you are going to work on your own, you are obliged to present this report.
More information about the requirements and the necessary documentation HERE
Where do solicity residency for social ties to the community?
You have to solicit it in the offices for foreigners in the province where you live:
Olagibel 1 (Gasteiz)
945 759 490 (información) 945 759 480 (cita previa)
Gran Vía 50 (Bilbao).
944 509 435 (información) 944 509 434 (cita previa)
Plaza Pío XII, 6 (Entrada independiente por Javier de Barkaiztegi)
943 989 122 (información) 943 989 110 / 943 989 120 (cita previa)¡
Avenida de Guipuzkoa, 40 (bajo – Buztintxuri)
948 979 200 (información) 948 979 203 (cita previa)
Fee: You will have to pay a fee of 36,78 euros when you make the solicitatio. You have 10 days to pay it. These quantities are corresponding to those of 2017 and could suffer a variation when the general budget is approved in 2018.
The administration has 3 months to answer you. If they give you residency, you have one month to solicit the Foreigner Identification Card (TIE)